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NYC Opera’s VOX returns in 2012-13 as part of OPERA America’s New Works Forum

New York City Opera is proud to announce that VOX, the company’s workshop for new American operas, will be presented in conjunction with OPERA America’s New Works Forum for New York City Opera’s 2012-13 season. Composers are invited to submit works-in-progress or completed, previously unproduced works to this year’s showcase, which will have a public performance on November 8 (eligibility requirements are listed below, with further details still to be announced). Since 1999, composers Mark Adamo, Charles Wuorinen, Richard Danielpour, John Zorn, and Stephen Schwartz are among those who have had pieces presented in VOX that have gone on to redefine the American opera genre. VOX, described by the New York Times as an “invaluable showcase,” gives American composers and audiences the opportunity to hear professional performances of excerpts of new operatic works, unstaged and read by members of the New York City Opera orchestra and soloists. As the only program in the country that gives composers the opportunity to hear their new works and works-in-progress with full instrumental ensembles and professional soloists, VOX continues to be a vital part of the fabric of American opera.
OPERA America’s New Works Forum will bring together up to 75 opera producers, publishers, composers and librettists from across the country to explore the dynamics of organizational and artistic collaboration, address specific barriers to success, and develop strategies to increase the number and quality of new operatic works in the field at large. Marc A. Scorca, President and CEO of OPERA America, says of the new partnership,
We are delighted City Opera’s VOX program will continue in 2012 in conjunction with OPERA America’s 2012 New Works Forum.  For the first time, this celebrated showcase of new works will take place in the context of a three-day meeting of leading opera producers, artists and publishers designed by OPERA America to address issues and build relationships that are central to the expansion of the American opera repertoire.
The New Works Forum is made possible by the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
George Steel, General Manager and Artistic Director of NYC Opera, says:
New York City Opera has been focused on the future of opera from its founding: new singers, new audiences, and new repertoire. VOX is therefore at the heart of the Company’s mission, and something that we are committed to continuing. Furthermore, we have worked towards a collaboration with OPERA America on VOX for several years, and so it is with particular pleasure that we announce our partnership with OPERA America’s New Works Forum.       
VOX 2012 Eligibility Requirements
Works that have not received a full professional U.S. premiere are eligible.
Completed works and works-in-progress will be equally considered, provided an excerpt of no more than 20 minutes in length accompanies the application.
Composers must indicate on the application if they want the submitted work to be considered for VOX Second Look; works are eligible for this category if there has been only one professional production of the submitted piece and no future productions are planned at the time of application.
All entries will be reviewed carefully by a panel of opera professionals and members of New York City Opera’s artistic and production staff.
Performance date: November 8, 2012
All deadlines can be found at NYC Opera’s website:
Sponsors and Supporters
VOX 2012 is made possible with leadership support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 
Major support is provided by The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc., The Francis Goelet Charitable Lead Trusts, and The Helen F. Whitaker Fund. 
Additional support is provided by The Amphion Foundation, Inc. and the Virgil Thomson Foundation, Ltd. 
NYCO subscriptions and tickets
Subscriptions and single tickets for New York City Opera’s 2011-2012 season can be purchased by phone at (212) 870-5600 or online at



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